Happy Friday boon companions, here is another sneak peak at STARCRAWL for your consideration:
MEN & MAGIC & CASTES In this STARCRAWL BASIC System, there are three groupings of classes or CASTES; human caste, humanoid caste, inhuman caste.
Humans are the most widespread of all known races. Their mercurial adaptability, rough and ready toughness, sharp and biting cunning, and fanatical courage have led them to settle most of known space, therefore most characters in a given campaign will belong to one of the human classes. The core human classes described in these rules are the Fighter, Mage, Cleric, Rogue, Cyborg, Psyker, Machinist, and Freelancer. Human caste characters gain two bonus proficiencies.
Human Fighter, Psyker, Thief, and Cleric |
Compared to humans, humanoids, also known as demi-humans, are rare and generally more specialized than the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve. Demi-human classes are defined more by their race than their training. The basic humanoid classes described in these rules are the Khazadil Vault-Guardian, Aeldari Spellsword, Hobbesling Sneak-Scout, Mandroid Exoframe, Abhuman Mutoid, Entwifin Amazon, Beorling Panzerborn, and Sylvanir Ranger. Humanoid caste characters gain one bonus proficiencies.
Sylvanir Ranger |
Beorling Panzerborn |
Finally, inhumans or xenoi are the true alien outsiders, belonging neither to the teeming masses of the human sphere, nor the ancient and cryptic alliances of the demi-humans of Valinor Space. As scions of previous aeonic cycles of creation and destruction, outside of the known causal chain and composed of mysterious variant pseudomatter and protoenergy, such inhuman xenoi are most strange and highly divergent in mind, body, and spirit from human norms, having little in common with the Children of Adam. The basic inhuman classes described in these rules are; the Kthanid Mastermind, Draugyr Flayer, Urukim Freebooter, Dvergar Grey-Face, Mantid Kreenoid, Khai Hunter, Yuggothim Scientist, and Gnophkhim Centacorn. Inhuman characters start with the default number of proficiencies.
Urukim Freebooter |
Yuggothim Scientist |
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