Ok, with that gentle introduction and elevator pitch out of the way, its time to discuss the system for StarCrusade!
At this time the best base for any OSR/SF system seems to be Stars Without Number (SWN), a clever mashup of B/X D&D and Classic Traveller. One of the things that draws me to the OSR mentality in gaming is the inability to leave things alone, every group plays *their* game and that's not just OK, but expected. Which fits me to a tee, I can never just run the RAW. Roleplaying isn't the Liturgy OK? This is time to cooperatively play jazz, not 'do the red, say the black'.
What will be different about StarCrusaders! then? I'm glad you (didn't) ask gentle reader, but I'll tell you anyway.
0. Cross Pollination. Because I can't just leave well enough alone, the first thing I'm going to do is cross-pollinate with the best in the Fantasy side of the OSR. For me this is obviously Adventurer, Conqueror, King. This system just hits all the right notes for me:
0.1. GP as XP. I can't emphasise this enough, nothing else captures the Old School Feel more in my opinion. It's just so right. Why are the players seeking treasure at risk of life and limb? Because training with the Guild-Maesters isn't free. This also encourages the Players to manage risks and discourages the 'murder-hobo'ism that many complaign about. If XP is not awarded for killing things, but rather successfully looting the lairs, *and getting back*, players are instead motivated to avoid unnecessary confrontations and look for sneaky solutions.
0.2. Meaningful Character Progression. Finally the promise of B/X and BECMI fulfilled, with meaningful 'Name-Level' and 'Domain' play, frabjulous day!
0.3. Also Race-as-Class, this is important in maintaining a human-centric vision and flavour.
0.4. Finally, there's the player companion which provides a framework for creating new and balanced classes.
1. Attributes. The six classic characteristics aren't enough for my vision, and neither are the attribute boni/mali. One of the principles of the StarCrusade! universe is Threes, as in things come in them, and Three groups of Three is an unfolding of that principle.
1.1. Character attributes in StarCrusade! will be in three groups; Body, Mind, and Spirit.
1.2. The Body attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. 'Nuff said.
1.3. The Mind attributes are Intelligence, Wisdom, and Perception. Perception splits off the sensory perception and alertness concepts from Wisdom, leaving the prior as a pure measure of Induction and Intuition (as apposed to Intelligence's Deduction and Abstract Reasoning). Intelligence is the prime mover for Technology and Skill Using characters. Wisdom is the controlling characteristic for Resisting Corruption and Domination. Perception is the defining attribute for ranged combat.
1.4. And the Spirit attributes are Vitality, Willpower, and Charisma.
1.4.1. Vitality measures a character's connection to the subtle life-consciousness field and is the Prime Requisite attribute for Physical Adepts (think Star Wars Force Users and Hong Kong action cinema Chi powered Wuxia).
1.4.2. Willpower measures a character's internal disincline and strength of mind, and is the Prime Requisite for Mental Adepts (classic SWN/WH40k Psykers).
1.4.3. Finally Charisma measure's a character's spiritual grace and connection to the secret fire and the ultimate source, and is the Prime Requisite for Spiritual Adepts (think D&D Clerics, Druids, and Paladins).
1.5. Finally, the Attribute Modifier chart will be changed slightly, rewarding/punishing extremely high/low Attributes a little more:
Ability Score Modifiers
3 | -3
4-5 | -2
6-8 | -1
9-12 | 0
13-15 | +1
16-17 | +2
18 | +3
2. Races. I will be stating or converting up a number of Races available to players at the start of the campaign, representing the more space-fantasy feel of the setting. As a sample, the Elder Races of the Valinor Alliance are:
2.1. Aeldar - The Eldest of the Council Elders and founders of the Alliance; the only race in regular communication with the Ancient Valar who built The Citadel and supposedly reside at the top of the Citadel's Ivory Tower. Immortal, highly mystical, keepers of ancient and hidden lore, masters of the secret-fire; ancient Aeldar often spend entire lifetimes (as younger races measure such things) in a dreaming state, by which they regenerate their personalities and deal with the consequences of the curse of deathlessnes laid upon them so long ago.
2.2. Khazad - The Second Eldest of the Council Elders and the personal sub-creation of a particularly enigmatic Valar; the Khazad are clannish, secretive, highly crafty and technical, masters of mining, architecture, engineering, and automation. Khazad chafe at the Valinor Alliance limits on Artificial Intelligence, often creating Machine Spirits that anyone else would consider dangerously independent; binding them with Oaths and Pacts. Several times in the past the Khazad have endured censure and approbation on the council for various activities that delved too deeply, too greedily into a particular subject matter, with severe if unintended consequences.
2.3. Satyrines - The Third Eldest of the Council Elders; a study in contradictions, the Satyrines are capable of both shocking flights of emotional passion and fury and as a consequence, quench their society in highly ordered and calming ritual. The Worker, Warrior, and Religious castes of Satyrine society control all public life, while the great Clans regulate the private. Between the darkness and the light stand the Satyrines, and if they should enter the deranged state of Warrior-Panic, watch out.
2.4. Entwifs - The Youngest of the Council Elders and barely so at that, only recently qualifying for the position by raising up two younger races to join the Valinor Alliance. Often considered dangerously reckless, flighty, and irresponsible by their elders, the Entwifs are determined to prove themselves, often reinforcing the stereotype in the process. Entwifs are somewhat unique in being technically mobile plants and not animals (although some contest this as mobility is what it separates plant from animal, or so they say) and there are those who spread uncharitable rumors that reason all Entwifs in known space are female is that the males couldn't take their insanity. Others whisper that the males of the Entwifs are in fact the Treant war-machines favored by Entwif warrior-maidens, but they whisper this quietly, very quietly indeed.
I'm also toying with tearing out HP and AC and replacing them with Traveller style Attributes as Hit Points and Armor as Damage Reduction and a Class/Level based Combative Value to replace AC, but I think I want to play the RAW before touching combat too deeply.
That's all for now, end transmission...
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