Saturday, March 17, 2018

War Canto Begin

This blog will be a record and notebook chronicling my attempt to compile my personal vision of a far-future, science-fantasy, post-cataclysmic, old-school, imperial space-opera campaign. This Blog will, if successful, will allow my vision to hit my table, and yours dear reader.

What is this vision?

In the Remote Far-Future, Boy-King Arcturus Pendrakul takes the Cross and joins the First Star-Crusade; by this he hopes to gain Glory for God and his House, reaping Ancient Treasures and Martial Renown, to capture besieged Valinor's Ivory Tower, to win the hand of the Elf King's Daughter in marriage, and to be seated on the empty Phoenix-Throne of the Holy Solar Empire of Man.

OK let me unpack that a bit.

After the cataclysmic fall of the decadent post-human trans-humanist oligarchic dystopia (think Deus Ex Invisible War: Illuminati Ending) that colonized the stars in the distant past; mankind is forced to return to older, more traditional modes of living. It is perhaps ironic that the core of survival emerges from one of the troika tripod legs supporting Corporate Elite rule in the old Corporate Republic; namely the Order of Maitreya.

This synthetic, syncretic, one-world faith supplanted the old religions of man at gunpoint. As it came to pass, many Order Acolytes preserved their ancestral ancient faiths in secret, and as the dystopia of the Republic eventually crumbled under the hubris of its hedonistic and degenerate elites in the fullness of time, these Secret-Priests soon controlled a Shadow-State within the state, providing for their faithful where the Republic could not or would not.

When the Stars themselves began to Occult and Fade, and the Darkness-Filth began to eat away at the fabric so called Final Society, these Secret-Priests rose up against the blood-soaked chaos and madness; casting down the black and red-robed diabolists of the Maitreyan Order and the malfunctioning Murder-Machine Legions of the Hegemony and her Corporations in Atomic Holy-War against the Thinking-Machines and their Machine-Men masters.

The Old Republic died in cataclysmic fire, chaos, madness, filth-tide, mutation, and magic. The Sword-Lords of the Star League rose in its place.  The Old Republic had reduced the hives of Terra to grey-faced lumpen-prole consumer-drones without culture or spirit, but on the periphery of the Human-Sphere rose new nations, and from these hardy frontier peoples a new aristocracy. 

These Sword-Lords established the Great Houses of the Star-League, and under the Legendary Karl the Hamner, founded the Great and Bountiful Holy Solar Empire of Man.  But all is not well; the Cultist, Revolutionary, and the Mutant threaten the Tranquility and Harmony of Order from within and the blasphemous Qliphoth Convenant; The Yuggothim, Xothim, Yrchlings, and other Wyldfae-Xenos and Demonic-Aliens menace from without.

The aloof Aeldar Aeshi, Prime-Eldest of the ancient and mysterious Valinor Alliance in Gal-Center have brokered a peace between the Star League and the haughty Ingelrii, servitors of the Melyae, Fourth Eldest of the Valinor Quorum of the Twelve. This alone would be shocking enough; but the Aeldari seek to bring the Human Sphere formally into the Valinor Alliance and seek to wed the daughter of Ingwe Ingweran, High-King of Valinor, to the crown prince of the Human Empire.

The problem is that the throne sits empty, none of the great houses can agree on who should take up the purple and the legacies of Karl the Hamner and Aleksandyr Norman Romanov; Emperors of Man. But the Valinor are hard pressed by the spreading Darkness of the Qliphothim and seek human military aid anyway.

And so it came to pass in the Year of Our Lord 3,960 that the First Star Crusade was preached against the foul taint of the Qliphothim Covenant and their Dread Prophet Morgoth by the Pontifex Maximus on Terra to great shouts of Deus Vult!  The prize for the Noble House that drives the Darkness from Known Space is the Throne of Man. The great race is on.

Now the Great Houses gather their fleets and banners and set forth in armed pilgrimage and holy war, sending forth scouts and questors to secure supplies, intelligence, and ancient treasures along their routes and seeing the warlike hosts of half-barbarian men descend on the quiet shire-worlds of Valinor Space, the Quorum begin to question just what it is they have done.

It's Mech Warrior meets Fading Suns, Dungeons and Dragons meets Traveller, Mass Effect meets Deus Ex, Earthdawn meets Shadowrun, Pendragon meets Rogue Trader, Lovecraft meets Tolkien, Heinlein meets Moorcock, Halo meets Destiny, Guardians of the Galaxy meets Fifth Element, Babylon 5 meets Star Wars, 2000 AD meets Metabarons, Gimenez meets Mobius, Jodorowsky meets David Lynch, Dark Crystal meets Farscape, Dune meets Excalibur, Metahistory meets Metahumans.

The Darkness shall not prevail over the Light because;  This!  Is!  Terra!

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